The following stances and behaviors characterize the administration of official Maloos Electronicssocial media accounts.

Social media is defined as internet or web technology media for use by a large undefined number of individual users by which to communicate through the posting of information including pictures and video content.

  1. Basic Policy

Employees of Maloos Electronics comply with the laws of the countries in which we operate and with the Maloos Electronics Employment Policy Statement, Workplace Behavior and Equal Opportunity Policies in their use of social media. They should avoid any expressions that might be deemed offensive, and observe the criteria of “open, fair and clear” in all communications. At all times, they are required to behave in a professional manner.

  1. Understanding the Nature of Social Media

Users of social media should understand that information posted on the internet is accessible by a large undefined number of users, that information cannot be completely erased once it is posted, and that an individual’s postings reflect on his or her company. The user must therefore maintain a constant attitude of attentiveness to others’ postings and responsibility in his or her own behavior.

  1. Note to All Users of Social Media

Not all postings made by employees via any official Maloos Electronics social media account will necessarily be expressive of Maloos Electronics official announcements and statements of opinions. Official announcements and statements of opinion are made via Maloos Electronics own website, news releases, and the like.

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